Principles of Unity

1. We have a relationship to the land we walk on – we seek to ground our work in decolonizing principles, the Principles of Environmental Justice, and recognize the sovereignty and self-determination of the Indigenous Nations on whose lands we live.

2. We reject capitalism, colonialism, and imperialism – we reject all neoliberal trade agreements, institutions and governments that promote corporate globalization. We reject wars on people and the Earth created by governments and industries.

3. We reject all forms and systems of oppression and discrimination – we embrace the complete respect and dignity of all living beings. We work to overcome oppression in all forms, including but not limited to patriarchy, white supremacy, classism, ableism, homophobia and transphobia.

4. We confront injustice and work to build the world we want to see – we aspire for fearless confrontation of injustice, selfless service to humanity and the Earth, and compassionate alignment with local cause and global movement, where community organizing, not undemocratic policy arenas, overcome capitalism, colonialism, and imperialism.

5. We call for direct action and civil disobedience – we take action to confront the root causes of poverty, pollution, and violence in solidarity with social movement struggles. We work towards and support organizing resistance and resilience that maximize respect for life and the rights of all oppressed peoples, the Earth, and the pursuit of community-led alternatives to global capitalism and neocolonial governments.

6. We are committed to building consensus – based on decentralized decision-making, collective self-governance, and autonomy from non-governmental organizations (of privilege) and their funders.

7. We work to build a movement – we strive for alignment in ecological and economic justice, common cause with diverse grassroots global justice movements, and collaborative strategy through trans-local movement organizing.

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